"Prigidity as we see it today is an outgrowth of a woman's running away from her biological destiny, which is to be a wife, mother and homemakor. It reflects her refusal to take the role of passive homemaker. Instead, she is soekin gratification elsewhere by competing with men
This attitudo is largely the end product of the so-called feminino omancipation movement. A woman can be an
atomic scientist; she can fly planes; she can be a soldier in the army . Fow succeed (however) because this is not the destiny of women The majority of women in America today cannot have an orgasm becuase of their aggressive tendencies. They are unwilling to become dopendent upon their husbands. They themselves want to pursue the sex act. They want to feel as aggressive as men
As she becomes more forward in her demands, she is likely to find a suddenly impotent husband on her hands
Many a woman will pursue a man, acutally to seduce him into marriago, only to find that after a fow months or a year sexual activity with him has become distasteful. She reaches the point where she looks upon her passi ve husband with nothing but contempt..
So here we have a complete theory for the Brown case. The cure? The family physicians, for whom this magazine is writton, are advised to try some homey remedies. Maybo the husband can be made more considerate in the act. Maybe they can learn to compromise. "It may not provide a magnificent happy marriage, but the general average in America is not ideally happy. Po oplo seem to be content if they're not too miserable."
Should this, then, bo the aim of marriago counseling to help people to be not too miserable? Maybe it is. Marriage counseling, as a profession, is not an entity. There is at the moment not oven a well-established professional group to set standards. Tho National Council on Family Relations has recently established a division on marriage counseling, Since many of its members are academic people, we might derive some research from thom. The only other group is organized as a private olub and consists of lawyers, judges, obstetricians, gynecologists, psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, and anyone else who practicos marriage counseling. As yet, each of us expresses his own opinion. So I stato frankly that what I give you here is completely my own concept and tochniques.